Poppa Gnome and I have been working out on our property, taking on one project at a time. The most recent project has been filling in the 8’L x 5’W x 6’H hole in our yard that the previous owners had created as what we can only conclude to be some sort of make-shift burn pit for dead branches and whatnot. Seeing as how we have very curious gnomes and fur babies,  paired with a 30 minute ride for whomever needs a hospital; that just was not going to work for us.

As Poppa Gnome and I took on this Thanksgiving morning task, it caused a rather large epiphany. As we started on opposite sides of the hole, each with a rather large pile of dirt/gravel that had to be transferred back into the open space, I had the thought that I am incredibly grateful that moving mountains in my life does not depend solely on me. Praise God that it depends on Him, because without Him we weren’t making any progress. It was exhausting, back breaking work- that in this event took us several days to complete.

Isn’t it interesting how we take on so much and think that we can accomplish everything we set out to do? When oftentimes we cause avalanches or we are surrounding ourselves with others that are causing avalanches (in this particular case it was our oblivious, fun-loving fur babies) and we don’t take into account all the hard work and undercurrent that has to go into moving those proverbial mountains. Much of the time we conclude that we have to do it ourselves, without the aid of community or support from anyone else and that everything depends on us to put in just the right amount of effort and know how, to come up with just the right tools and to know just the right plan. Inevitably, we make a bigger, deeper mess that we have a hard time coming out of.

I, for one, am so very thankful for all of the mountains God has moved for me in my life- especially the last few years so that my children and I can move forward and so Poppa Gnome and I can have a firmer, more solid foundation. As we were slowly moving these mountains, focused on our sole tasks and not truly considering the effects or task of the other in moving them, we actually caused a dirt storm for one another; increased one anothers workload. In my own unique way, I actually wound up making a bigger hole for myself to fill than I had to begin with. Isn’t that something? I know I wind up doing that more often than I’d like to think…making bigger holes of things because I try to take it on myself. Which makes me think of this verse in the bible:

Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. – Ecclesiastes 4:12NIV

Biblically, three strands are strongest and are not easily broken when you are fully invested together in whatever process you are attempting to overcome.The first, crucial strand being the Lord and then teaming up together. Poppa Gnome and I are lucky to have that; we enjoy working side by side in multiple facets of the word and we both receive these amazing epiphanies that we share with one another. 

I believe this isn’t just in marriage, but in any part of true community. Best friends, mentor/mentee relationships, even coworkers.When we allow ourselves to be transparent with one another, and we choose to do life together, we all win- because life is not meant to do solo.

As we slowly are approaching the Christmas season, let us all be kind to one another and extend grace- knowing that we are in this life together and that sharing the Light and loving others in kindness and compassion is the true purpose of life.

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