Momma Gnome: What is something I always say to you?

BooButt: “Oh my gosh Boo!”

Momma Gnome: What makes me happy?

BooButt: When we spend girl time together

Momma Gnome: What makes me sad?

BooButt: When one of us says a hurtful word to someone

Momma Gnome:How do I make you laugh?

BooButt: Funny mom jokes

Momma Gnome: What was I like as a child?

BooButt: A savage, from the stories I’ve heard

Momma Gnome: How old am I?

BooButt: 37

Momma Gnome: How tall am I?

BooButt: 5’8”?

Momma Gnome:What is my favorite thing to do?

BooButt: Hang out with the family, duh!

Momma Gnome:What do I do when you’re not around?

BooButt: Hang out and make fun of us

Momma Gnome: If I become famous, what will it be for?

BooButt: Singing

Momma Gnome:What am I really good at?

BooButt: Making funny mom jokes, Singing & Art

Momma Gnome:What am I not very good at?

BooButt: Minecraft….sorry, but…

Momma Gnome: What do I do for a job?

BooButt: You take care of us and blog

Momma Gnome: What is my favorite food?

BooButt: Peanut Butter cookies

Momma Gnome: What makes you proud of me?

BooButt: Everything

Momma Gnome:If I were a character, who would I be?

BooButt: Minnie

Momma Gnome: What do we enjoy doing together?

BooButt: Mommy/Daughter dates, duh!

Momma Gnome: How are we the same?

BooButt: I’m a mini you

Momma Gnome:How are we different?

BooButt: Different ages

Momma Gnome:How do you know I love you?

BooButt: Because you’re my mom, duh! And you tell me you love me.

Momma Gnome: What do I like most about dad?

BooButt: His goofiness

Momma Gnome: Where is my favorite place to go?

BooButt: Lake Michigan

Momma Gnome: How old was I when you were born?

BooButt: 25

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