Momma Gnome: What is something Dad always says to you?

Sassafras: “Get off your lazy bum”

Momma Gnome: What makes Dad happy?

Sassafras: When I play Minecraft with him

Momma Gnome: What makes Dad sad?

Sassafras: When I lock myself in my room

Momma Gnome: How does Dad make you laugh?

Sassafras: Dad jokes

Momma Gnome: What was Dad like as a child?

Sassafras: Rambunctious, from the stories I’ve heard.

Momma Gnome: How old is Dad?

Sassafras: 30 something?…I dunno…he’s younger I know that…

Momma Gnome: How tall is Dad?

Sassafras: 5’10”

Momma Gnome: What is Dad’s favorite thing to do?

Sassafras: Either hang out with family or do Art stuff

Momma Gnome: What does Dad do when you’re not around?

Sassafras: Have drinks and watch movies

Momma Gnome: If Dad became famous, what will it be for?

Sassafras: Art

Momma Gnome: What is Dad really good at?

Sassafras: Minecraft and Art

Momma Gnome: What is Dad not very good at?

Sassafras: Dancing

Momma Gnome: What does Dad do for a job?

Sassafras: Manages a trophy shop and designs stuff

Momma Gnome: What is Dad’s favorite food?

Sassafras: Peanut Butter

Momma Gnome: What makes you proud of Dad?

Sassafras: He always makes me happy

Momma Gnome: If Dad were a character, who would he be?

Sassafras: Goofy

Momma Gnome: What do you enjoy doing together?

Sassafras: Playing video games with the father

Momma Gnome: How are you the same?

Sassafras: We enjoy dad jokes and I got his nose.

Momma Gnome:How are you different?

Sassafras: I got my mom’s personality

Momma Gnome: How do you know he loves you?

Sassafras: He tells me he loves me everyday

Momma Gnome: What does Dad like most about me?

Sassafras: Your goofiness

Momma Gnome: Where is Dad’s favorite place to go?

Sassafras: Red Robin, we’ve always enjoyed going there

Momma Gnome: How old was Dad when you were born?

Sassafras: Like 18 or 19? I think…something like that

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